Stopped by another boat show this past week, this time in Norwalk, Connecticut. The Norwalk show is the only big show in Connecticut with boats in the water this year, and as such draws a pretty good crowd of boating enthusiasts from across the state. It takes place on Connecticut's gold coast, one of the wealthiest counties in the United States, and is just a stone's throw from New York City. Add in the fact that the show is located both geographically and chronologically near big shows in
Newport, Annapolis and
Boston, it's no wonder the show is a great place to see a large selection of yachts, boats and boat products.
Similar to my trip to Newport the previous week, I rushed in and out of the Norwalk boat show in two to three hours - I again spent less time at the show than on the road. But it was still enough time to see all of the land vendors, and walk all of the docks and even board a couple of the bigger boats. I got to speak with some interesting folks I know including the president of the Conn. Marine Trades Association, the editor-in-chief of
WindCheck Magazine, and the guy who sells
Nantucket Baggs at every boat show I've been to in the past year. Also met a bunch of new exhibitors (new to me, but most of them seasoned exhibitors, actually), many of them based right here in Connecticut and New York - some of them offering services nationwide, and some of them just trying to reach northeast boaters.
Anyway, got some good photos and story leads and had a few good, albeit short, conversations, and was impressed with the crowd for lunchtime on a Thursday. The parking wasn't bad, but would have been rough for someone to just pop-in during a lunch break from the office, so I suspect the crowd got even bigger as the day and weekend wore on.
Next up for me is the
Boston Fall Boat Show, and instead of just a few hours I'll be on-site all weekend, exhibiting as
BoatNameGear. I'll also have our new northeast sales rep on-hand if anyone wants to discuss
advertising on our nautical sites network .
Here are a few photos from the Norwalk show - you can
see more on flickr.
I call this a "Billy Joel" boat, because it reminds me of the style he cruises in around Long Island. |
An electric boat |
Geico: The bigger, faster, brighter the better. |
A view from the docks |
The Lagoon 400 - this catamaran looked as wide as it did long. |
see more on flickr
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